Green Stork Blog
The Diaper Bag
What’s too much, what’s too little, and what’s just right?? The true answer is that experience will be your biggest mentor while figuring out what is perfect for you and your littles. Whether you're a new mom or veteran here are 10 tips to make leaving the house faster, quicker and more convenient than ever. Less is more: You're a mom and naturally that means [...]
A Complete Childbirth Education Course
The Green Stork is thrilled to announce that in January 2017 we will begin offering Complete Childbirth Education classes that are tailored, written, and presented exclusively by us. We realize that some families have previously had to opt out of taking Bradley® classes with The Green Stork due to the cost and intense time commitment it required. Let’s face it… 12 Sundays of 2-4 hour classes [...]
5 FAQ’s about your Birth Arts International Doula Training
5 FAQ’s about your Birth Arts International Doula Training You’re thinking or dreaming about becoming a doula?! What an exciting time. I remember that like it was yesterday. In my day job dreaming about what I really wanted to do in life. Birth Arts International has everything you need to get started. A full online educational program, in class training, personal support and mentorship from [...]
Steph Beyond The Stork
Steph Beyond The Stork We know Steph as the founder and owner of The Green Stork. This short interview is our way of getting to know her after she takes off the badge and uniform. We want to go past the joys and nitty gritty of being a doula, birth educator, and placenta encapsulator. Let’s find out more about Steph… beyond the Stork. You just [...]
Our First Newsletter – The Stork!
Our First Newsletter, “The Stork”, Hot Off the Press I’m so excited to be releasing our first newsletter. So much has happened around here in the past year. Growth has been amazing. Read more about it here at The Stork.
Top 10 ways I stayed happy when those baby blues crept in…
Top 10 ways I stayed happy when those baby blues crept in… I love my babies and even more, I loved staying home with them when they were so fresh and new. Even with that, some days were hard. Be it hormones, lack of routine, or what ever, some days were hard! These tips really helped me. 1)K.I.S.S. “Keep it simple sweetie.” A good friend of [...]
Doula, & Dads Work Together
How Stephanie Holthus, as your doula, & dads work together. By no means does what I do replace the loving support of your other half. I am here to support and educate the two of you. That’s the beauty of it. With me involved, you’ll find that your partner is more capable to support you. Typically Dad doesn’t know what to expect or hasn’t seen birth before. [...]
Nature’s Compass for Pregnancy + Birth
Nature’s Compass for Pregnancy + Birth By Amy Heilman Originally posted on www.awakeningroots.blogspot.com 4/23/14 Posted with permission from Amy. “My first experience as a birth doula occurred before I even knew what a doula was. I supported a soul sister friend in the natural home birth of her first child in March 2012, and I learned so much through her process of self-education and conscious decision making. Before this, birth [...]
Birth Story of My First Son – Anthony
Birth Story of My First Son-Anthony There were two days according to MY plan that I did NOT want to go into labor. The first was when my husband Clint would be hours away from home on an overnight trip, and the second was on my birthday, July 30th. I did not want to spend my birthday in labor for hours on end. Anthony however, [...]