Have questions about our services? Let us know! We are here to support you.

Midwifery Consult Request

Stephanie HolthusDSCN-5-681x1024

CPM, Certified Professional Midwife

LM, Licensed Midwife

CLC, Certified Lactation Counselor

CST/MFR Craniosacral Therapy/Myofascial Unwinding

CD, Certified Birth Arts International Doula

SpBCPE. Spinning Babies® Parent Educator

HCHD, Hypnobabies® Childbirth Hypnosis Doula

CPDT, Certified Professional Doula Trainer BAI

CE, Childbirth Educator

PES, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist



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Business hours

Monday-Friday 10am-5pm

By appointment!

Serving Bemidji, MN, & surrounding areas.


For all nonemergent matters please send us a text or email. We will return your message ASAP. Please forgive us if we don’t respond within 48 hours as babies are being born and we may be at a birth.