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Lactation Client Intake Form
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Adult Craniosacral Therapy/Myofascial Unwinding Client Intake Form
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Meet the Team
Lactation Services
Lactation Client Intake Form
Craniosacral Therapy/Myofascial Unwinding
Adult Craniosacral Therapy/Myofascial Unwinding Client Intake Form
Pediatric Craniosacral Therapy/Myofascial Unwinding Client Intake Form
Doula Services
Birth Planning
Doula Client Intake
Doula FAQs
Doula / Labor Support Packages
Doula Gift Certificates
Childbirth Classes
The Storks Complete Childbirth Course
TGS Childbirth Course FAQS
Registration for TGS Childbirth Course
Childbirth Education Gift Certificates
Childbirth Course Evaluation
Spinning Babies® Parent Class
Spinning Babies Registration
Placenta Encapsulation
FAQs about Placenta Encapsulation
Placenta Benefits
Placenta Encapsulation Resources
Registration for Placenta Encapsulation
Placenta Encapsulation Gift Certificates
Doula Workshops
Registration for Doula Workshops
Doula Training Gift Certificates
Lactation Client Intake Form
Steph Hotlhus
Lactation Intake Form
Step 1 of 2
What is babies birthdate?
What was babies guess date (estimated due date)?
Where did you give birth?
Birth Center
How was your baby born?
What is your primary providers name?
What is your primary providers email or fax #?
May I send notes of our visit to your primary care provider?
Mother's First Name
Mother's Last Name
Mothers Birthdate
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Mothers Phone
Mothers Occupation
Partners name?
Will your partner take time off work after the baby is born? If so, how long?
Babies name?
What was babies birth weight?
What were babies APGAR scores, if known?
Lactation Questionnaire (Step 2)
Please list any complication with birth or your infant, if any?
Your other children (names and ages):
How many previous births have you had?
Did you breastfeed? How long?
Did you experience any problems with nursing your other children?
Who are your support people (partner, friends, family etc.)? Explain.
Have you had any breast surgeries in the past?
Have you experienced any of the following?
Gestational Diabetes
High Blood Pressure
Breast Surgery
Thyroid Problems
Please explain.
How long do you you plan on breastfeeding?
1 month
2 months
3 months
6 weeks
6 months
9 months
1 year
Until we decide to stop.
If other please explain?
Did you have any complications in previous pregnancies? If yes, please explain.
Did any of your babies need special care after birth?
Did you experience postpartum depression? Please explain
What supports do have in place to help during this postpartum time?
Did your breast grow larger in pregnancy?
How long after birth did you nurse your baby?
Approximately how long after birth did your milk come in?
Did or were your breast engorged.
How many times has your baby nursed in the last 24 hours?
About how long does your baby nurse on your left side per feed?
About how long does your baby nurse on your right side per feed?
Does your baby nurse on one side per feed or both?
Approximately how many wet diapers has baby had in the last 24 hours?
What does babies poo/stool look like?
Black and tar-like
Brown/black “soupy”
Does your baby have difficulty latching?
Is it painful to nurse?
Are you pumping? If so how many times a day?
Are your breasts painful? If so, please explain.
Are your nipples sore? If so please explain.
What brings you to Steph, CLC, for lactation support?
By submitting this form you give consent to Stephanie Holthus, CLC, to assist in your breastfeeding goals. Payment is due at the time of service.
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