Placenta Encapsulation
Encapsulating Your Placenta

Traditional Chinese Method
Traditional Chinise Method (TCM) has a long history of use, it’s been around for thousands of years. TCM is a method of creating harmony and balance in the body. Chinese medicine believes that the women is “cold” for a full 40 day recovery period after birth (postpartum). She should only have warming food and drinks. This method involves steaming and dehydrating the placenta. After it is steamed it is dehydrated and encapsulated. The process of preparing the placenta helps to tonify and speeds the recovery process.
The placenta yields 80-150 capsules.
“Having my placenta encapsulated was one of the best decisions I made for my pregnancy and birth! I really felt like it helped me with postpartum depression and milk production the most. Stephanie made the whole process really easy and convenient and I couldn’t have been happier in my experience with her. Everything from speedy service so I got my pills quickly after birth to handling finances was a great and effortless experience. I will definitely be using her services again for my next birth!” Savanna Thomas (2015)
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The information on this page has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The services offered by The Green Stork, LLC and stephanie@greenstorkmn.com are not clinical, pharmaceutical, or intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Families who choose to utilize the services listed on this page and provided by The Green Stork take full responsibility for choice in doing so as well as for their own health and for researching and using remedies.