Many people ask, “What can I expect from your doula workshop?” So I thought I’d give you a glimpse into what is covered during the two day Birth Arts International (BAI) doula training. During our time together we dive deep into what a doula should know regarding topics concerning everything related to pregnancy, labor, birth, postpartum, and how to be the support your clients are looking for.  Alongside the above mentioned topics you will also learn additional, valuable information on how to;

Hard at work learning.

Make Being a Doula A Business

  • Business Identity
  • Marketing
  • Conducting yourself in an interview with potential clients
  • Forms recommended for you and your clients

Ethics and Boundaries

  • Scope of Practice
  • Client Consent

Birth Location Differences (and navigating your role in those locations)

  • Hospital Birth
  • Birth Center
  • Home Birth

Physical Support (that will comfort your client and leave rave reviews)

  • Hip Squeeze
  • Robozo Technique (a traditional Mexican shawl)
  • Magic Balls (a tool to keep the pelvis shifting in labor and keep it moving)
  • Gentle tricks to suggest to clients that may help your clients enjoy labor naturally
  • How to comfort a client whether choosing medicated birth or natural

Emotional Support


Powerful hospital birth supported by a doula.

  • How to empower a family in their choices
  • How to encourage your clients to self educate a become empowered in their birth
  • How to set your personal bias aside to truly support
  • How to be present in the moment with the family
  • How to be the calming presence that laboring moms and dads need most

Doula Self Care

  • How to pack a doula bag that will have you feeling prepared for any birth
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep (My personal tips and tricks)

As a BAI educator I strive to bring you knowledge that is up to date and  based on evidence, research, and experience that stems not only from myself but also from Birth Arts International Global Director,

Women from three different starts coming together to start their journey to becoming a doula.

Demetria Clark. At the BAI training you as a student and as a group will be encouraged to learn from one another’s experiences regarding labor and birth whether it be your own or someone else’s that you have attended. I personally always look forward to learning and growing from what the group shares. YOU hold valuable information for everyone with your experiences and sharing them is POWERFUL to the group learning. This is just ONE of the beautiful things that sets BAI apart from other doula trainings. We will learn from each other and grow together!  BAI is so awesome and here are a few reasons why I personally chose to be trained and certified through this organization. Birth Arts International provides; an online support group, a full online classroom to go at your own pace, personal access to Demetria Clark (Founder and Global Director of BAI), lifetime certification once you have your requirements completed and approved. Just to name a few. Learn more here.

My intention is for you to leave this training inspired and empowered as a Trained BAI Doula. Ready to serve, support, educate and empower expecting people in your community. Birth Arts International is an AMAZING organization that will provide continuous support for you  every step of the way. You will have access to me, your BAI educator, as well as Demetria Clark for any questions you may have and to help you navigate this new and exciting endeavor.


5 ways you will be changed after you leave the BAI doula training  

You will be confident in your abilities to support families

You will have a wealth of new found knowledge

You will be inspired and ready to take your business to new heights

You will feel connected to others in the birth world and will have found or expanded your birth community

You will be eager and ready for the possibilities that await you

I feel privileged and honored to walk with you on this journey to becoming a doula! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching my past students grow and build their businesses. I am committed to supporting you just as I am committed to bringing this BAI Doula Training all over the country. Why? Because the information and experience I have to share with you is so valuable that my heart is pulling me out of my community and into yours. It’s TOO GOOD for me to keep local. I’m changing the world one birth at a time. Won’t you join me?!

Register Here.

Contact us to schedule a workshop near you!